Sustainable thinking is about more than just recycling and using renewable energy. It means laying the groundwork for future employee and customer growth. An organization with sustainability as one of its core principles has a better chance of success in the future.
Three attributes of a sustainable organization are:
- Continuity: the ability to repeat processes and continue uninterrupted even in times of change
- Availability: to adapt quickly to sudden changes in the market or unforeseen emergencies
- Scalability: to scale up or down as needed so that your business can maintain its efficiency and profitability regardless of fluctuations in demand
Without a well-designed onboarding system, businesses can experience major setbacks as they grow. This is because without repeatable processes that are adaptable enough to the changing needs of an organization, every inch of ground covered in your business will be new terrain for you.
One of the most important decisions a business leader must make is how they want their company’s growth story told. Rapid changes for short-term gains can lead your organization down an unnecessary path that may cause you more trouble in future years when sustainability matters less.
What energizes a sustainable business?
6 essentials to achieving sustainable growth:
Central Hub or Intranet
A company intranet or hub can improve productivity and efficiency by providing a space for employees to collaborate and communicate. This can include sharing documents, chatting, or posting updates. The intranet can also be used to store important company information, such as policies and procedures.
Document Management
An automated documentation system can help your employees work more effectively. By automating the process of creating, updating, and retrieving documentation, employees can spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on their actual work. With an automated documentation system in place, employees can quickly find the information they need and make updates as needed. This helps to ensure that all employees are working with the most up-to-date and accurate information.
Integrated Training
An integrated learning management system can help customize and manage employee training. A good learning management system will allow you to track employee progress, create custom coursework, and manage testing and certification. Additionally, a good learning management system will provide reporting features that will help you assess the effectiveness of your training programs. Preventing even a single phishing attempt can save your company millions of dollars and hours of productivity.
Data Integration
The benefits of consolidating data are many, and they can be a long-term asset for your organization. When data is consolidated, it becomes easier to access, which can lead to faster decision-making. Additionally, consolidating data can help improve data quality and eliminate duplicate data. This can help reduce the risk of data corruption and improve the accuracy of your reporting.
When it comes to technology, executives who overlook integration often end up with a mixture of incompatible technologies. This can lead to data fragmentation, redundancy, and inefficiencies. A sustainable business should use technology to its advantage by consolidating data and integrating systems.
Process Automation
Automating time-consuming and repetitive processes can lower costs and improve efficiency. Automation can help to improve accuracy and consistency while freeing up employees to focus on more important tasks. Additionally, automation can help to improve communication and collaboration within an organization boosting customer and employee satisfaction.
Find a Manage Services Provider (MSP)
A good MSP can help your business become more sustainable by automating time-consuming and repetitive processes, consolidating data, and integrating systems. Additionally, a good MSP can help customize and manage employee training, preventing phishing attempts, and improving data quality.
When choosing an MSP, be sure to select one with experience in sustainable business practices. FirstCall Consulting is an MSP that can help you achieve sustainable scalability more seamlessly. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, FirstCall has the expertise to help your business grow in a sustainable way.